
Plan Administration

Pension Resources offers complete plan administration services. Our 360° Bundled-Plus® service combines industry experts that we help you choose, so you can focus on your business. The best part… our bundle has interchangeable features including the ability to continue with a trusted provider. Most other bundles require that you buy their package, often with proprietary investment funds, payroll services or those with which they have selling agreements. With 360° Bundled-Plus, you choose the payroll provider, financial advisor and the investment platform.

Annual Administrations

Ongoing Operations

Other Services

Plan Types

Pension Resources offers a wide range of prototype standardized and non-standardized retirement plan documents.

Plan Design

Pension Resources offers a wide range of prototype standardized and non-standardized retirement plan documents.


Pension Resources provides complete plan consulting services, full support and tools for your plans consulting needs.

Plan Audits

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